Stand Alone Anthology

By Various Creators

Trade Paperback

An Inter-Dimensional Ship, Holograms, a Giant Dog, a Savage, a Sqid-Bot, a Rock N Roll King, a Fungus Biker, a Beeping Robot, a Bodiless Head and his Undead Soldiers, a Mystical Salamander, a Lighting Bug, a Chibi-PSA-Robot, a Time Noir Detective, Two Numbskulls, a Dirty Old Unicorn, a Prophetic Flute, a Not So Terrible Boy, a Telepathic Cat and her Amazing Teens, a Ghost Slurper, a Giant Space Robot, a Dead God, a Spaceship Fort, a Fairy Tale Dinner Theatre Troupe, Hogman and Squealer, the Weenie Boy are just a few of my favorite things in this anthology.